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Hope for the Future"I really messed up this time. Now I will never be able to fulfill the calling God spoke upon my life." Have you ever had such a despairing thought? Maybe you have even said it. Such thoughts are exactly what the enemy of your soul wants you to think. But the truth is, killing God's desires and plans for your life is a whole lot harder than that. God-given destiny is not as fragile as we may suppose. The Bible tells us God "chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, {even} above reproach, before Him in love" (Ephesians 1:4, Amplified). He also said, "In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son .... Moreover, those whom he predestined, he also called, and those whom he called, he also justified .... What shall we then say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? Christ ... [is the one] who is also interceding for us" (Romans 8:28-34). Every one of us has erred along the path to what God has planned for us. For some of us, our mistakes have been minor missteps (which we may even be convinced are major failures), while others of us have missed it by a wide margin. But God, Who has foreknown you and chosen you before the world began, built into your life a margin for error. He planned for your mistakes to be tools to train you, not to ruin you. Destiny bounces back, as long as you continue to stay teachable, as long as you continue yielding your heart to the Lord. Has God spoken into you a calling, a purpose, which you hold dear? Believe Him for it -- even if it currently doesn't look very good. He is faithful, even when you have not been. Jesus is in the business of restoring and resurrecting your dreams. He is THE Resurrection (John 11:25). He will see you through to the fulfillment of His plans for you. © Copyright 2011 by Lee Ann Rubsam. All rights reserved.
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